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   The scope of this report is to describe the testing phase of the paper airplane-building machine: folding mechanism that was created thought this project. The device has a set of specific requirements. These requirements for the folding machine are as the following:


  • Machine must build three different paper projectiles. 

  • The device must be 30 cm in width, 92 cm in length, and 75 cm in height. 

  • The process of making each projectile must be within 60 second. 

  • In order to meet the success criteria, the device should fit in a box with length of 38 cm, width 
of 30 cm, and height of 25 cm. 

  • Must cost less than 200$ 

    The parameters that are important in this testing are the time of processing one projectile. Because this machine was built based on the ASME 2016 student competition, size is important to meet the success of criteria. The test will also include the precision of the process.

    The predicted performance of the folding machine is that the folding process for one paper airplane will take less than one minute ( from the loading to the launcher). It is also estimated to meet the 30 cm width maximum and 92 cm length maximum. The machine is estimated to fold the paper within a specific design.

Testing Procdure

  The test procedure for the paper airplane building machine: Folding mechanism will take 5 minutes. Test is highly recommended to be held in door to avoid any distribution to the process such as wind and rain. Also, before conducting the test makes sure that there are no obstacles in the front of the machine (at least 10 ft). The test procedure as the following:


  1. Visually inspect the rollers and paper tray. Any object on the paper tray or on the rollers may affect the process.

  2. Turn on the first stage roller by turning the first toggle switch up.

  3. Turn on the Lego Motor Controller by pressing the orange button.

  4. Use the arrow in the Lego Motor Controller to navigate through the saved programs.

  5. Choose “Paper-Airplane’’ program by clicking the orange button.

  6. Load the paper.

  7. Wait for 20 second then turn the first stage roller off.

  8. The levers that connected to the Lego motors should come up to fold the top corners of the paper.

  9. Wait until the levers come back to the original position, then turn on the fist stage roller again.

  10.  Once the paper completely passed the third roller, Turn the second stage rollers by turning the second toggle switch up.

  11.  Turn on the pressing plate by turning the third toggle switch up. Then actuators will bring the plate down until it stops.

  12.  From the Lego Motor Controller saved program choose “Paper-Airplane 2” (refer to step 2-4 for further instruction).

  13.  After the paper is launched, make sure that all switches are off.


Failure of the electricity wiring system may cause fire or damage to the equipment, so while conducting the folding mechanism machine test don’t leave the machine with out attendance.


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